Updated whenever we have a moment, this page gives you some of the latest progress reports on any and all Ergo departments. A work in progress where you can SEE the progress!
To the team of Mike Batt (Director) John Gosler (Art Director) and Lee Hill (Line producer – and all our other artists, we have recently added Nicolette van Gendt who is concentrating on “turnarounds” (views of previously- designed characters from many different angles and in many poses) but will hopefully be doing some character designs for us, too. Here are some of her initial studies, - flying and movement studies of Elsie, angles on Nigel, and also some poses for Arthur Monkberry, the Chief Avocado Pear Farmer troll.

Design by Nicolette van Gendt
Design by Nicolette van Gendt
Design by Nicolette van Gendt
Additional news is that we are now nearly at a working second draft script stage, and thinkinig hard about who to cast as the principle characters. Unusually Mike Batt has decide to record as close to finished sound (including star actors) as possible at a pre-animation stage, even to the extent of a finished–sounding symphonic music track. This will be followed by storyboarding and only the will we move into full animation production. The sound will then be re-recorded or adjusted to taste before final dubbing.